Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thinking about the baby

We're officially on the waiting list for a baby in Korea, and we think about him or her a lot. Baby is probably an infant right now, and I think about baby when I go drop Jake off at the babysitters. There is a little girl named Reagan that is 3 months old that I hold sometimes, and probably about the age of our baby. I hope and pray that their foster family is taking good care of baby. Jake and I pray for baby every night. We just put up our Christmas decorations, and put up a stocking for baby. Brian is starting to learn Korean, and is trying to find websites to show Jake a few words. He even picked up a big feast of Korean food on the way home from work this week. It was really good! We love you baby and can't wait until you become a part of our family! You are already a part of our hearts.

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